Guide to using Templates for Push Broadcasts

Creating a campaign from scratch can feel overwhelming. But we’ve got your back! We’ve put together a bunch of templates from different industries and use cases. These templates are designed to make your life easier and save your time. In … Continue reading

Most Converting Push Notification Templates

Push Notification platform offers a number of pre-defined campaigns and templates. However, those templates are standard ones. You may want to try out different messaging and see the impact on Push Notification KPI. Below are some of the most converting … Continue reading

Announcement Shopify New Pricing

[Announcement] New Shopify Pricing & More!

Hello, Engagelings. Exciting news: We just updated our Shopify app pricing and included some exciting new features. And it’s easier than ever to grow your eCommerce business at super affordable rates! Sounds exciting? There’s a lot to unpack here. So, … Continue reading