Redirecting to a different page after clicking on Allow or Block on Opt-in

Sometimes you want to redirect a user to a landing page once they complete the Web Push subscription or if they have denied it. This is possible to create using our Web SDK.

We will share the required steps to be followed in that case.

Our typical installation code looks like this

<script> window._peq = window._peq || []; window._peq.push([“init”]); </script><br><script src=”” async></script>

Instead of adding that please add the below code

1) Replace URL with the page you want to redirect to

<script> window._peq = window._peq || [];
window.addEventListener('PushEngage.permissionPrompt.allow', function (event) {
  if (event.detail && event.detail.prompt === 'native') {
    setTimeout(() => {
      window.location = '';
    }, 6000);
});< /script> 
<script src = ”https: //” async>

So specifically, the first line of code is replaced by the sample code snippet for redirection

<script> window._peq = window._peq || [];
if(res.statuscode==1){ location = ““;
if(res.statuscode==2 || res.statuscode==3){
location = ““;

The second line remains the same from your Settings » Site Settings > Installation Settings

<script src=”” async></script>

That is it, you should be able to drive people to any landing page after they click allow/block ; try it out & hope it works well.

If in case you run into any issues, please feel free to contact us by clicking here. Our support team would be able to help you.

Still stuck? How can we help?
Last updated on June 6th, 2024

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