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Subscriber Status

A subscriber is a user who has opted in to receive notifications from your website. This endpoint determines whether a subscriber is active, accepts form-encoded request bodies, and returns the response in JSON format.


In some APIs, the term subscriber_hash is used. However, the same reference is called subscriber_id in the web SDK. As a result:

  • Web SDK: consistently uses subscriber_id.
  • API: opts for subscriber_hash.

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
subscriber_hashStringYesThis is the unique ID for a subscriber. It is generated when a user grants permission to receive push notifications.

Response Object

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
successBooleanYesIndicates whether the push request succeeded or not. Values can be true or false.
messageStringNoProvided in case of failure to denote the reason for failure.



curl -X POST -H "api_key: <your_pushengage_api_key>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'subscriber_hash=ety67HgTYgKl8' ""


"success": true