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W3C URL Format

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) format consists of several components:

  • scheme: Specifies the protocol or method used, such as "http" or "https."
  • domain: Indicates the domain name or IP address of the server.
  • port: Optional and specifies the port number to connect to (default is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).
  • path: Represents the path to a specific resource on the server.
  • query: Optional and contains query parameters for the resource.
  • fragment: Optional and points to a specific section within the resource (typically used in web pages).

Here's an example of a URL in W3C format:

In this example:

  • The scheme is "https."
  • The domain is ""
  • The path is "/" (the root path).
  • There are no query parameters or fragments specified.

W3C URLs are essential for navigating and accessing resources on the World Wide Web.